Contract Settings

When a customer opens a payment plan, they are required to select a checkbox and type their name in a text box in order to confirm agreement with the terms of the contract. The contract states the exact payment amounts with their scheduled payment dates, along with a few legal declarations binding the customer to the terms of the contract.

The text generated for the contract can be edited to suit specific business needs. To edit the contract, select the contract settings in your merchant portal.

The contract is generated with dynamic variables using the liquid templating language.

Dynamic variables

You can insert dynamic variables into the contract text by enclosing the variables with {{}}, for example, to insert the variable customer.firstName you would write {{customer.firstName}}

The contract is generated with dynamic variables using the liquid templating language.

The following variables are made available:


The customer variable has the following properties:

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email


The payment_plan variable represents the payment plan, and has the following properties:

  • amount - the total amount of the payment plan, including fee
  • currency - the currency the payment plan will be paid with


The payment_schedule variable represents the schedule the payment plan will be paid with:

  • auto_process - whether or not payments are automatically scheduled and processed
  • down_payment_amount - the down payment due
  • description - description of payment schedule for manually processed plans
  • repay_by_date - date payment schedule complete
  • payment_amount - amount of scheduled payments
  • balance - balance after down payment


List of installments. Each installment object has the following properties:

  • amount
  • scheduled


The merchant offering the payment plan

  • name - merchant name


The payment method for the payment plan

  • type - either card or bank_account

The following custom filters are also available:

  • currency - formats a number by adding a dollar sign and two decimal points