Sending payment plans to customers from FreshBooks invoices

Once you've connected your FreshBooks account to, you'll notice a new FreshBooks section in the navigation on the left side of the merchant portal. Here, you'll see a list of all of your invoices with an open balance of at least $20.

To send a payment plan to a customer, just locate the FreshBooks invoice from the invoice list and select the 'create payment plan' button. You'll need to select offer terms to apply, or manually enter your payment plan terms.

Note: To properly create payment plans from your FreshBooks invoices, you need to have a customer with an email address added to your invoice in FreshBooks.

If you have a offer created, you can send payment plans to multiple customers with open invoices at once. Just select the checkbox next to each invoice that you want to send a payment plan for (or check all by selecting the 'check all' button above the checkbox column) and select the offer that you want to apply to your invoices.

If any customers open payment plans from the links sent from this page, the FreshBooks invoice balance will automatically update as automated payment plan payments are made until the payment plan is paid in full. At this point, the FreshBooks invoice will automatically update to paid. No manual entries are required once a customer opens a payment plan for their FreshBooks invoice.