How to Cancel / Refund a Plan Payment Plans can only be canceled and refunded by the merchant from their Merchant Account at

How do I cancel the plan?

Once logged in at, go to the plan you wish to cancel and/or refund. Click the red ‘cancel plan’ link near the top of the plan.

What if the plan is not open?

Plans with a 'paid' status cannot be canceled, as they are now closed and no longer collect payments. You can archive a paid plan.

Does canceling the plan automatically refund it?

No. Canceling an open plan will not refund the plan. They are separate functions.

Can I refund an open plan?

We do not recommend refunding an open plan. Instead, we recommend you add a discount to the total. Please view the article on How to Add or Deduct from a Plan.

If you need to refund an open plan but want to collect the refunded amount at a later date, you will need to cancel and reopen the plan after the refund is processed. This is so the refunded amount can be added back into the schedule. A guide on setting up the payment schedule can be seen here: How to Set Up a New Payment Schedule

How do I refund the plan?

To refund the plan, go the payment section of the plan and click the ‘refund’ link next to each payment you wish to refund.

I need to refund a smaller amount

Once you click the refund link, you will have the option to edit the refund to a smaller amount before submitting it.

I received an error that the payment is older then 180 days.

ACH payments are payments made with a bank account. You can only refund ACH payments that are under 180 days old. You will need to refund older ACH payments outside of our system via check or e-payment.

Have more questions?

Please checkout our Refund FAQs article or email us at