If you use form or survey tools like Jotform or Google Forms, you can now integrate these tools with Partial.ly via our Zapier integration.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is a powerful integration software that helps connect thousands of apps. You can create 'zaps' where an action in one software triggers an action in another.
You can check it out here to see if they include your specific software: https://zapier.com/apps
Once you click on Partial.ly's Zapier invite, you will be able to create 'Zaps'.
How do I access the Partial.ly app on Zapier?
Partial.ly currently has a beta integration with Zapier.
You can connect to it with the following URL: https://zapier.com/platform/public-invite/8510/a8af1e6e47a9a2087841d4d1f506c612/
How can I use Partial.ly with Google Forms via Zapier?
With Google Forms, you can create Zaps where an action in Google Forms triggers an action in Partial.ly. For example, when a customer submits a Google Form, it will automatically email a payment plan request to the customer.
You can also add additional Zaps to the order. For example, also have the form info added to Google Sheets.

How can I use Partial.ly with Jotform via Zapier?
With Jotform, you can do 2 types of Zaps:
#1. Jotform triggers an action in Partial.ly
For example, after a form is submitted, a payment plan request is automatically emailed to the customer.

#2. Partial.ly triggers an action in Jotform.
For example, after a payment plan is opened, a form is automatically emailed to the customer.
It is recommended you use Zapier's Paths with this type of setup, which may require an upgraded Zapier account.
Zapier Paths will allow you to assign specific plan offers to specific forms.
For example, you are selling 2 events with different terms and require different forms to be filled out. With Paths, you can make sure customers who open a payment plan for Event A with your Event A offer automatically receive the Event A form to fill out.

What other forms and survey tools are compatible?
See the other apps available with Zapier here: https://zapier.com/apps/categories/forms
Can I combine this with other tools, like CRM software or other databases and spreadsheets?
Yes, within the Zaps you can set up additional actions to happen. For example, once a form is filled out, a payment plan request is emailed to the customer, and your CRM database is updated with the form details.
Have more questions?
Email us at support@partial.ly