​If you wish to apply limitations to the woocommerce plugin, you will need to sign up for our Advanced Scripting subscription. It is free for the first 30 days and then $10 a month. You can read more about this here: https://support.partial.ly/advanced-scripting/

You can activate Advanced Scripting within your Partial.ly account under Settings > Advanced Scripting. Here is a direct link: https://partial.ly/merchant/merchant_script

Once activated, you will see a box to place the code needed for your limitations:

Below are examples of various scripts:

#1. Minimum Order Requirement:

total = context["total"]
if total < 300 then
   return {error="Partial.ly is not available for orders under $300"} 
    return true

Replace the amount with your preference.

#2. Different Offers for Different Products

-- allowed product ids, anything else won't be allowed
allowed_products = {PRODUCT-ID-#1,PRODUCT-ID-#2}
-- check for any disallowed products
for _, line in ipairs(context.line_items) do
    local allowed = false
    for _, value in ipairs(allowed_products) do
        if value == line.product_id then
           allowed = true
    if allowed == false then
        return {error="Can not use Partially with "..line.name.." in cart"}
-- map of product ids to offer ids, these are product ids with custom/non-default offers
custom_offers = {}
custom_offers[PRODUCT-ID-#1] = "OFFER-ID-#1"
custom_offers[PRODUCT-ID-#2] = "OFFER-ID-#2"
-- iterate over cart line items
for _, line in ipairs(context.line_items) do
    -- test if there's a custom offer for this line item
    if custom_offers[line.product_id] ~= nil then
        return {offer_id=custom_offers[line.product_id]}
return true     

​Replace PRODUCT-ID-# and OFFER-ID-# with the required info.

​The product ID can be found within your woocommerce admin.

The offer ID can be found in your Partial.ly account within the integration tool of your offer.

#3: Limit a specific product to a specific offer while having all other products default to the offer set within your Woo plugin

​-- iterate over cart line items
for _, line in ipairs(context.line_items) do
  -- test if product is in cart
  if line.product_id == PRODUCT-ID-# then
    return {offer_id="OFFER-ID-#"}
        return true

Replace PRODUCT-ID-# and OFFER-ID-# with the required info.

​The product ID can be found within your woocommerce admin.

​The offer ID can be found in your Partial.ly account within the integration tool of your offer.

#4: Multiple Offers Limited by Price Range:

total = context["total"]

if total < 300 then
    return {error = "Partial.ly is not available for orders under $300"}

if total > 300 and total < 1000 then
    return {offer_id="OFFER-ID-#1"}

if total > 1001 and total < 3000 then
    return {offer_id="OFFER-ID-#2"}

if total > 3001 then
    return {offer_id="OFFER-ID-#3"}

Replace the amounts with your preference and the OFFER-ID-# with the required info.

​The offer ID can be found in your Partial.ly account within the integration tool of your offer.

#5: Combination: Limit a specific product to a specific offer while having all other products default to the offer set within your Woo plugin, plus a required price minimum.

total = context["total"]

if total < 300 then
    return {error = "Partial.ly is not available for orders under $300"}

-- iterate over cart line items
for _, line in ipairs(context.line_items) do
  -- test if product is in cart
  if line.product_id == PRODUCT-ID-# then
    return {offer_id="OFFER-ID-#"}
        return true

Don't see what you need?

Please reach out to our support team at support@partial.ly.