Shopify Checkout Settings

After you've connected your shopify account, be sure to check your Shopify Settings. They can help control how creates your Shopify orders.

To access Shopify Settings, log into and go to Settings > Integrations > Shopify Settings. (

Payment Behavior

Shopify requires payments to be authorized and then captured, which are both automatically handled by There are two options for how payments can integrate with the Shopify order:

Option 1 (Default): will create a single authorized transaction upon order creation, which will be fully captured when the payment plan is paid in full.

Option 1 has the benefit of only a single authorized transaction appearing in the Shopify order timeline. The downside is that the amount paid on the Shopify order will not update until the plan is paid in full. This means the customer may have have paid 50% of the balance due, but it will not reflect in Shopify. You would need to log into to view the paid amount. Once the plan is paid in full, the full amount will be captured and the Shopify order will be marked as paid.

Option 2: will create 33 authorized transactions upon order creation. This will allow the order to capture up to 33 payments, the max limit allowed by Shopify.

Option 2 has the benefit of tracking every payment on the Shopify order. If the customer paid 50%, you will see they have paid 50% within Shopify. The downside is there will be a the large number of authorized transactions appearing in the Shopify order's timeline.

Option 1 will be the default, but you can change it to Option 2 in your Shopify Settings in your Partially merchant account at

Example of Option 1:

Example of Option 2:

Order Tags

Enter a value here to automatically tag orders created by You can apply multiple tags by separating them with commas.

Order Notes

Liquid templating available for this field for dynamically inserted data.

Inventory Behavior

Inventory Behavior controls how Shopify will handle the inventory for orders created by

  • Do not claim inventory: The Shopify order will always be created, regardless of product inventory in stock. Inventory levels will not be deducted.
  • Ignore the product's inventory policy and claim amounts no matter what: The Shopify order will always be created, regardless of product inventory in stock. Inventory levels will be deducted.
  • Obey the product's inventory policy: The Shopify order will not be created if there is insufficient product inventory in stock for any products in the order. Inventory levels will be deducted after a successful order.

Do your Shopify products already include tax?

If taxes are included in your product prices, select 'All taxes are included in my prices'. Shopify will automatically add taxes to orders created by

Shopify Confirmation Emails

Select 'Send Shopify order confirmation' to have Shopify send an order confirmation to the customer. The customer will also recieve a confirmation email from If you wish to disable emails, this can be done under Settings > Emails.

Failed Integrations

To receive a notification if an order fails to submit to Shopify, select 'Send me an email when payment plans fail to submit to Shopify'.

Shopify Discount Codes

We recommend you test your code(s) prior to advertising them to your customers to use with

To accept Shopify discount codes with, select 'Enable Shopify discount codes in checkout'. Customers will then be able to enter discount codes configured in your Shopify account.

The following discount types are currently supported by

  • Amount off order
  • Amount off product (For specific products only, cannot be used with collections.

Please note that we cannot support discount codes with all the restriction options that Shopify provides. If your discount code has any of the following restrictions, it won't work with Partially and the customer will receive an error message indicating the code is not supported.

  • Buy X get Y
  • Customer eligibility, specific groups of customers
  • Customer eligibility, specific customers
  • Applies to specific collections
  • Usage limits, max uses per order
  • Usage limits, limit to one user per customer
  • Usage limits, limit number of times this discount can be used in total

Notes on other discount types:

The discount type "Amount off products" will not work when assigned to a specific collection. Even if you choose all collections, this limitation does not work with You need to assign to specific product(s).

The discount type "Free Shipping" is not supported because only fixed amount and percentage type discounts are currently supported.

Automatic Discounts: an automatic discount is applied by Shopify to the cart prior to being selected as a payment option. While this auto discount may successfully be applied to the plan, is not able to send automatically applied discount info back to Shopify when creating the order. This can create a discrepancy between the Partially plan total and Shopify order total.It is recommended to not use auto-discounts. If you do choose to use them again, you will need to look out for discrepancies on the plans opened during its activation period and manually update the Shopify order once the plan is paid in full.

Other Checkout Settings

You can also configure various options for checkout under Settings > Checkout.

If the products you are selling require shipping, be sure to select 'Require customer shipping addresses' . Otherwise, the creation of the Shopify order may fail if your shop is set to require shipping addresses. You can configure shipping zones and shipping rates under Settings > Shipping.

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