Are plans subject to Shopify transaction fees in addition to the fee?
No, you will not be charged anything by Shopify for orders placed with

How much is's fee?
You can read about pricing here:

Are there any other fees or requirements?
Yes. All merchants are required to connect a Stripe account. You will be subject to Stripe's fee. You can read more about Stripe here:

How do I add a checkout button to my Shopify website?
Once you register at, you will need to create an offer.

Use the integration tool of your offer and select the Shopify option from the dropdown menu. Copy and paste the resulting code into the liquid template of your Shopify theme that contains your cart buttons.

A visual guide can be seen here: Adding to your Shopify website.

I need assistance, can Support install the button for me?

We are happy to assist. Support charges a $100 set up fee to add 1 offer to your website.

Please email us at for more info.

Does offer different button designs? Can I use my own button design?

The integration tool will offer a variety of button designs, as well as customizable options.

You may also use an image of your choice. You can read more about this here: Custom Checkout Button

What happens when an order is paid for with

When a customer checks out with, the order will automatically be added to your Shopify account with all product and customer information. The Shopify order will have the status of 'partially paid'.

Shopify requires payments to be authorized and then captured, which are both automatically handled by There are two options for how payments can integrate with the Shopify order:

Option 1 (Default): will create a single authorized transaction upon order creation, which will be fully captured when the payment plan is paid in full.

Option 1 has the benefit of only a single authorized transaction appearing in the Shopify order timeline. The downside is that the amount paid on the Shopify order will not update until the plan is paid in full. This means the customer may have have paid 50% of the balance due, but it will not reflect in Shopify. You would need to log into to view the paid amount. Once the plan is paid in full, the full amount will be captured and the Shopify order will be marked as paid.

Option 2: will create 33 authorized transactions upon order creation. This will allow the order to capture up to 33 payments, the max limit allowed by Shopify.

Option 2 has the benefit of tracking every payment on the Shopify order. If the customer paid 50%, you will see they have paid 50% within Shopify. The downside is there will be a the large number of authorized transactions appearing in the Shopify order's timeline.

Option 1 will be the default, but you can change it to Option 2 in your Shopify Settings in your Partially merchant account at under Payment Behavior.


Example of Option 1:

Example of Option 2:

WARNING: There will be a 'Capture payment' button on the Shopify order. Do not click this button. will automatically charge the payments according to the payment plan schedule. If you wish to manually process a payment for the customer, it must be done within your account.

How do I issue a refund? Plans can only be canceled and refunded through your Merchant Account.

If a cancel/refund is only done through Shopify, it will only generate a notification but no actual refund will be processed, and the plan will stay open and continue to collect payments.You can read more about refunds here: How to Cancel/Refund Payment Plans.

Shopify Settings
Check out our guide on Shopify Settings. Shopify Settings include inventory behavior, order tags, discount code, etc.

If your Shopify prices included taxes, you will want to update your Shopify Settings.

Merchant Settings
Check out our guide on Merchant Settings. Merchant Settings include Shipping, Tax, Contracts, Emails, Etc. does not collect shipping info from Shopify. You must set up shipping within your account.

If taxes are not included in your prices, you will need to set up tax within as well.

Abandoned Carts
You can configure Partially to automatically send a payment plan offer to customers who do not complete the Shopify checkout, which can greatly increase sales. Payment plans created from abandoned cart rescue messages will be subject to an additional 0.5% fee. See our article on Abandoned Carts with Shopify for details on how to enable this feature.

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