Reports Where can I pull reports?You can pull reports from the following sections of your account: Payment Plans PaymentsReportsReports of Payment… continued Merchant Support
Connect with Zapier currently has a beta integration with Zapier. You can connect to it with the following URL:… continued Integrations
Merchant Login and Password Where can I access my account?Merchants can log in at to view their account. Forgot your password?You can reset you… continued Merchant Support
IP Address Blocked We block requests from specific IP addresses for a few reasons. These two errors indicate that we've received too many requests too quickly… continued Merchant Support
QuickBooks FAQs Does have an integration with QuickBooks?Yes. You can read more about our QuickBooks integration here: QuickBooks Integration. Pa… continued quickbooks
Refund FAQs for Merchants How do I refund a payment plan?Plans can only be refunded from your merchant account at A visual guide on how to refund a… continued Merchant Support
Integration FAQs works with a variety of integration partners. A full list of our integration partners can be found here: Integration P… continued Merchant Support without an Integration This support article is for merchants who want to use on a website, but do not use one of our Integration Partners. If you do not… continued Merchant Support
How to Create a Payment Plan This article is for merchants who wish to use as a standalone software to email plans directly or generate URLs to paste into an… continued Merchant Support
Dispute FAQs Disputes are an unfortunate occurrence with online purchases. Please read this article in its entirety, along with all included Stripe artic… continued Merchant Support
How to Add to / Deduct from a Plan Merchants may need to make changes to an open plan for various reasons. Some Reasons to Add to a PlanAdd a FeeAdd Shipping CostAdd Additiona… continued Merchant Support
How to Cancel / Refund a Plan Payment Plans can only be canceled and refunded by the merchant from their Merchant Account at How… continued Merchant Support
Open Dental Plugin Our with Open Dental allows you to quickly and easily set up payment plans for your patients by utilizing the Open Dental API. When creating… continued Merchant Support
User Preferences In the User Preferences section, merchants can enable Two-factor authentication (2FA) and also set their default language. Please see Two-fa… continued Merchant Support
Update the Language for your Account The default language for your user account can be updated to 6 different language selections: English, Deutsch, Español, Françai… continued Merchant Support
Two-factor authentication (2FA) Two-factor authentication (2FA) increases the security of your account by always requiring two 'factors' to login to your account… continued Merchant Support
Payments and Payouts How are payments processed?Merchants are required to use Stripe to process their payments. Depending on when you created your Pa… continued Merchant Support
How to Change Payment Schedule Can I change my customer's payment schedule?Yes. You can either: Reschedule 1 payment, orCreate an entirely new schedule. I want to only res… continued Merchant Support
How to Reopen a Defaulted Plan Customers can now reopen their own plans.To learn more, please see our article on Defaulted Plans FAQs. If you would like to reopen the plan… continued Merchant Support
Magento Module Our module for Magento versions 2.x lets you offer your customers a Partially payment plan offer in your checkout. You can also display a Pa… continued Merchant Support
Payment Failed - Merchant FAQs A payment failed. What do I do?When a payment fails, it will automatically reschedule for 2 days later. If the payment fails 3 times in a r… continued Merchant Support
Defaulted Plans - Merchant FAQs My customer's plan defaulted. Can I reopen it?Yes. When a plan defaults, a reopen button will appear at the top of the plan. For step by ste… continued Merchant Support
Monitoring Abandoned Cart Performance You can monitor the performance of your abandoned cart rescue messages under Abandoned Cart > Statistics. By default, data for the last w… continued Merchant Support
Abandoned Cart Settings Boost sales conversions by sending rescue emails to customers who abandon their checkout. You can locate Abandoned Cart settings… continued Merchant Support
Send Rescue Messages Manually This support article is on how to send rescue messages manually. For info on sending rescue emails automatically, please see https://support… continued Merchant Support